Chooseco and Z-Man Games are back with another collaborative family board game, and this time prepare to face the most ruthless intergalactic enemy to enter the Lacoonian System…THE EVIL POWER MASTER.
Chooseco, publisher of the world-famous Choose Your Own Adventure® interactive book series, has spent the past 9 months aboard a spaceship in a distant galaxy with publishers Asmodee North America and Z-Man Games to create the next board game based on the Choose Your Own Adventure series.
The game is based closely on Choose Your Own Adventure #12, War With The Evil Power Master by R. A. Montgomery. Everything you remember from the cult favorite has made it in: Flppto, your trusted Martian colleague, the Lacoonian System at risk, and the one and only Evil Power Master.
You might remember this iconic villain from his Out Of Print T-shirt, which has been sported by fashion icons like Jermaine Clement from the Flight of the Conchords:
For our friends in the toy biz: demos of the game will be at the ASTRA Marketplace Show in Pittsburgh, PA in June. It will also be making the rounds at the gaming conferences throughout the country this summer and fall.
Z-Man Games, along with Asmodee North America, and Chooseco have partnered to develop a follow-up game to the bestselling game Choose Your Own Adventure: House Of Danger, which debuted in 2018. The second board game adaptation from the series will be based on Choose Your Own Adventure #12, War With The Evil Power Master by R. A. Montgomery. War With The Evil Power Master was originally published in 1984 as the 37th title in the original Choose Your Own Adventure lineup, and was republished in 2006 by Chooseco. The book has over 100,000 units sold and has been translated into many languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and Turkish.
"This time we take to the stars to thwart the dastardly plans of the galaxy's greatest villain," says Z-Man's Head of Studio, Steve Kimball. "We had a blast working with Prospero Hall to bring the iconic characters like the Martian Flppto and human diplomat Tara to life. Fans of the series are in for a real treat as this game features brand new mechanics allowing you to explore various sectors of space in search of the Evil Power Master."
“War With The Evil Power Master felt like the right choice right now for the next board game for a number of reasons,” says Chooseco's CEO & Publisher Shannon Gilligan. “Both the book and the game take place in another galaxy, yet so many elements from this cult classic hit home here on Earth in the present day.”
Villains in powerful places? Check. Inexplicable destruction? Check. A bunch of young people trying to protect all that is good in this world? Check.
The second Choose Your Own Adventure board game maintains many of the elements that players loved in the first installment, while expanding to be a more complex game universe with greater re-playability. It is slated for production in the spring of 2019 and will be available for purchase at all game distributors in time for the coming holiday season.
About Chooseco
Chooseco is a purpose-built publishing house which brought the groundbreaking Choose Your Own Adventure series back to print in 2006. Since the series relaunch, Chooseco has sold over 15 million copies as well as expanded its list to include linear fiction with the YA trilogy Weregirl. An originator of interactive narratives, Choose Your Own Adventure has been translated into 40 languages and has 265 million books in print worldwide. Chooseco has expanded the brand’s presence through selective licensing. Twentieth Century Fox has optioned the film rights using emerging technology developed by Kino Industries to allow audience participation in a theatrical release. In 2018, a license of Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger to Z-Man Games saw unprecedented success in the first Choose Your Own Adventure board game. Chooseco is based in North Central Vermont. It boasts a top-notch creative team dedicated to promoting literacy through immersive interactive stories based on the principles of series founder R. A. Montgomery. Find out more at http://www.cyoa.com.
About Z-Man Games
Since 1999, Z-Man Games has published over 100 critically acclaimed games with a wide variety of themes and game mechanics from casual to complex. Z-Man is known throughout the industry for its eclectic catalog that encapsulates the best of what games have to offer—from beloved classics like Tales of the Arabian Nights to shiny new products like Pandemic Legacy. A keen eye for design innovation, attention to visual aesthetics, and top-notch components has attracted the top creative minds in the industry to partner with Z-Man, and the results speak for themselves. Find out more at https://www.zmangames.com.
To find out more about Chooseco, please contact Elizabeth Middleman at webmail@chooseco.com or by telephone at 802-496-2598.