Tell us more about your writing process. Has it changed from Book 1 to Book 2?
I think that the writing process for Book 1 was very, very fast. I wrote the first few pages on the plane on the way home from the retreat and I just didn't stop writing the whole time. All I know is that I was writing...
After months of excruciating secret-keeping, we can finally break the news. As of this May, two of our most beloved titles are finally back in print!
Surf Monkeys by Jay Leibold and The Magic of the Unicorn by Deborah Lerme Goodman released May 1st in the FROM THE LOST ARCHIVES series.
The moment...
True Story: Deborah Lerme Goodman, author of four Bantam-era Choose Your Own Adventure gamebooks, went out to dinner at Waypoint in Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA. At the end of her meal, the bill was delivered to her inside one of her... own... books! Deborah’s first reaction to receiving her bil...
Did you know that Shannon Gilligan, Publisher of Chooseco and author of many classic and Dragonlark Choose Your Own Adventure gamebooks, was actually born in Buffalo, NY? This past weekend, Gilligan joined over 30 other children's authors at the Western New York Children's Book Expo to sign books...
Summer reading is vital to kids' healthy learning development. To keep literacy, reading, and comprehension (all of the stuff they are working on in school) on course, kids need to keep their minds active. But it can be hard to stay put with a book when the sun is shining and the boat is already ...
"I LOVED the Choose Your Own Adventure books when I was a kid!"
We heard a lot of similar chatter (like the quote above) from excited fans in the book industry (and beyond) at our booth at the Book Expo of America this past May.
Sentiments like: "These are the books that got me reading" from nu...